Oh man... That Caesar salad... 👀

Very interested in The Colony too - I'll definitely be picking that up soon... 🙂👍📚

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I’ve also been highly recommended to read The Colony! This is a great reminder to pop it on hold at the library.

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Book recs are great (I’m so curious about The Colony) but I am most excited by the Caesar salad rec, despite never having been to Paris

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Steph you need to get to Paris ASAP! Go alone 💃🏼

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So glad you loved ‘The Colony’ Nicole! It was so great!

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THANK YOU for that recommend!!! I inhaled that book ❤️🫶🏼

Super excited to hear your thoughts on the likely int’l booker prize winner 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

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I have recently bought 'Clear' by Carys Davies and I think it sounds similar to 'The Colony'?? I'll let you know once I've read!!

Thank you haha - I have read 5 of the 6! With just one more to go - I have written my reflections in todays newsletter about who I think should win. It feels like cheating to do it before finishing the entire shortlist BUT I couldn't help myself.

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Ooooooh will add to my list thank you!!!

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